Michael-5 said:
ethomaz said:
Michael-5 said: How many copies are currently shipped? Don't forget, we have a bet, 8.5 million sold by March 31st 2012. So you know what I feel. It's possible for GT5 to ship 10 million, but I think if it happens it will happen in more then 3 years from now. |
6,370k *as of Dec 2010
I haven't forgotten our bet but without PD upated I can say if I have a chance or not.
Why id PD taking so long to update? Maybe they will refreash after the holiday season.
I guess in April was not updated by the tsunami in Japan and in July due to change of company to another city (with less chance of catastrophe). The GT5 updates just returns in August because that too.
So I guess in October PD will update with new numbers.