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So I noticed with 9/11 being remembered all over the news the media was reporting that the US Government was beefing up security in New York and Washington DC in anticipation of a terror attack. But this got me wondering about the rest of America, their was nothing I didn't hear of heightened security in any other cities, at least not on international media.

So why would Al-Qaida limit itself to just attacking New York and DC? Wouldn't it make much more sense that they would attack another city. I mean to strike fear into American's across the country you don't just hit New York again this time you hit California or Texas or a city in another state.

It would make a lot more sense because the US couldn't possibly secure the entire country on 9/11. If Al-Qaida wanted to have a successful strike it would be smarter to hit a less protected but equally important target elsewhere in the country.

If the reason is because all of the US intel points to attacks on New York and DC, then if true I have to wonder what Al-Qaida is smoking. I can't believe that Al-Qaida would really limit itself to two cities, I'd assume all of America is free game.

So why is it the US Gov only worries about New York and DC? Will it take an attack somewhere else in the country to make the US worry about the rest of the country?

9/11 took the world by surprise, by only focusing on securing New York and DC I think that opens the US up to a future surprise. Everyone will see a terror attack somewhere else in the country and wonder why the Government was so focused on New York and DC!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer