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My girlfriend bought me Resistance 3 today as a suprise, i wasnt planning on getting it till after xmas but she picked it up for me today.

I had around a 90minute play onit and within 30minutes of playing i could tell that it is going to be the best in the trilogy by a longshot. It seems more focused, and more enthusiastic, it's doing it's own thing rather than trying to copy off other popular FPS. The story seems alot more interesting and the visuals are much more improved. Insomniac should of put as much effort into the first 2 games as they obviously have with this one and they could of made this a top class trilogy. So it looks like ill be playing through this till Dark Souls and Uncharted 3 come out.

The only bad thing is its put a hault to my Assassins Creed:Revelations BETA testing, and i was enjoying that immensly! :)

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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