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So I have been reading a lot about Turkey's recent statements escalating tensions between Israel and the Middle East and threatening global stability. Nato then issued a statement saying the alliance could not take any action to get involved to stabilize the middle east if Turkey did do something because Turkey is an alliance member and any actions of the alliance need to be agreed upon by all of its members.

But this worries me because Israel is one of Nato's biggest allies. Most of Nato's countries have strategic military alliances with Israel and if Turkey knowingly destabilized the region and took a militarily aggressive stance against Israel they would be playing ally against ally.

I find it hard to see how this could be tolerable to Nato, a Nato member openly threatening other Nato members allies. The US and UK for example have alliances with Israel and if Israel was invaded I am pretty sure both countries would be required to respond in some fashion.

So whats Nato to do? If Turkey attacked Israel , the US and UK would be expected to come to Israel's aid against Turkey. But Turkey is a Nato ally.

So the question that needs to be answered is, should Nato members be allowed to attack each others allies? If Nato members can attack each others allies how are they supposed to respond? I mean can the US retaliate against Turkey for an attack on Israel an ally of the US? Vice versa if the US or another Nato member attacks a Turkish ally, whats Turkey supposed to do?

I think its a pretty dangerous game to start threatening each others allies. I think Nato should address this immediately as if Nato starts fighting within they will not be a global force any longer.

In my honest opinion Nato should be working big time to reign in Turkey, if that doesn't work it should move to prevent Turkey from attacking Israel any means necessary. Then if Turkey attacks its membership from Nato should be dropped. You can't have Nato allies fighting Nato members or Nato members turning on each other to protect their other allies.

So what do you think, should Nato allow its members to attack each others allies? How would you get out of such a mess and prevent in-fighting?


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