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I spent a little bit of time going into greater detail on the 1.8 prerelease.

-Sprinting is performed by quickly double-tapping the forward button (like you'd do a double-click to open a program)
-Flying in Creative Mode is performed by doing the same thing with the jump button
-Once flying, press space to ascend, crouch to descend. Simply land to stop flying.

Now for some screenies.

Naturally-spawned town. There are no NPCs in it whatsoever, it's just a village that was randomly generated on the map.

They spawn some decent constructions in here, though. Looks pretty alright. That's a well on the right side. Sometimes they don't spawn properly - there was one building spawned with the door buried in a couple layers of gravel, but the other side was exposed.


Table using a pressure-plate for the top.

Another shot to show how iron fences work. A section of fencing standing alone forms a large +. Once one is connected, though, like redstone, it forms a chain. Fencing placed next to another block will automatically connect to that block to form a properly secure section of fence.

Glass panes. They work exactly the same way as iron fences.

You can't make a glass pane ceiling.

Panes also don't connect with glass blocks very well. This is a corner made of three glass panes with a block placed to make it a square of blocks.

Another angle of the same corner, also showing the "roof" of glass blocks I made that shows how glass blocks will make an edge over glass panes when placed above them.

Endermen and silverfish aren't anything special to describe... there's nothing unique that we don't already know about them. Endermen attack like they said. And you can keep one at bay staring at it for hours on end, just watching it roil and get really mad. It won't move at all until you stop looking directly at it. And so far, I haven't had an Enderman wander into my crosshairs on its own. They're rarer than the other mobs, but not hard to find either. They also tend to spawn in small groups of 2 or 3.

I haven't seen silverfish yet, but they're just reskinned spiders with a different way of showing up, really, by what I understand.

Haven't seen any cave spiders yet, but I have explored an abandoned mineshaft. These things are huge. They're generated using the same generation algorithm that caves use, except they're designed to look like an old mineshaft. They have pillars every few blocks, occasionally you'll find torches still burning, and there are broken lines of minecart tracks here and there. These seem to be the best places to start mining expeditions because they're like a marriage between cave mining and strip mining. I like 'em.
