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thismeintiel said:

Personally, I don't care whether gays get to marry or if they don't, but I do know the problem with a lot of the people with your train of thought is that they sensationalize everything.  To actually compare someone promoting slavery to someone against gay marraige (while fully in support of civil unions) not only belittles the horror of slavery, but also your cause.  No one wants to dicuss any topic with someone who doesn't believe anyone can disagree with them and attacks the other person's views by calling them bigots and comparing them to slave owners.  It's hyperbole that doesn't solve anything.  Even more sad is that you feel that your view on the topic should be forced on ALL who live in the country by an overbearing Federal government.  Not the right way and voted on a state by state basis.

And perhaps the worse is the overuse and, most importantly, misuse of the word homophobia.  A phobia is a strong, irrational fear of an object or situation.  Something that brings the experiencer to a frightened panic.  Something tells me that little to none of the people who are opposed to gay marraige would go running and screaming or cower in fear if in the presence of a homosexual.  Then again, I guess this may not be the issue and just a pet peeve of mine. 

Your entire post is full of many cliches. First of all, intolerance is the one thing that should not be tolerated. The reason why I ignore the anti-gay marriage crowd is because their views are intolerant, and because they don't listen to reason and rational arguments. And I don't understand this whole 'your view on this topic should be forced on ALL who live in a country...' part. Marriage only concerns the people getting married. It's not any of homophobe X's business that gay couple Y wants to get married. It's actually the anti-gay marriage crowd who want to focrce their views on others, by denying gays the posibility to marry (it's  no different than making eating ice cream illegal because you don't like ice cream). And the right way isn't voting on it on a state by state basis, because civil rights are things ALL people have by default, not things that the majority has by default, and may or may not allow minorities to have. Modern democracies are no longer 'tyrannies of the majority'.

As for your last paragraph, words evolve and gain new meanings. Homophobia no longer referres to a (mostly fictitious) mental disease, but also to the general dislike and antipathy towards homosexuals.


Edit: I'd like to add that the best point of comparison for the people who are against same sex marriage isn't slave owners, but people who were against interracial marriage.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
