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thismeintiel said:
Shinobi-san said:

I wasnt being serious when i said Sony is doomed :/ come on look at worldwide sales!

Anyways, u dont need to remind me about the launch price of the ps3...i mean i bought one round about that time like a true fanboy :D But really this isnt the point i was making. Whether it was because of launch price, the wii, the 360 launching 1 year early etc. it doesnt really matter. Sony is considerably behind its competitors this gen in the US. Not just by a few million but over 12 million!

And im not so sure on the power of the playstation brand in the US, looking at this NPD results its clear that that power is dwindling. And if the current trends continue and stays the same into next gen, then i dont think Sony would be happy about that at all. So i dont think they can just make a console affordable and have quality titles...they need to do more than that, because its likely that MS will have also done that.

You must also remember where Sony has came from, they were the outright market leader in all regions for two generations. They have taken a big hit this gen. Sony isnt looking to settle for third or second place, they are gonna want to become market leader again, especially in US.

You are a fanboy. 

And while the PS brand was strong after the PS1&2, price will almost always win out.  Especially in a recession.  I doubt anyone would believe for even a second that the 360 would still be 2nd place right now if the PS3 had only launched with a $50-$100 price difference, even with a 360 year head start.  The US chose a cheaper price tag with a similar library.  However, the Xbox preference will not be set in stone for next gen.  In the end, it is really MS who is going to have to prove they are the superior buy next gen.  Sony will undoubtedly have great 1st party support ready for launch and, if history continues to repeat itself, really good HW to back it up.  MS, on the otherhand, has probably spent more money on timed exclusives for this gen than they did on buying/building 1st party studios that will help them next gen.  A Halo from a non-Bungie studio has yet to prove itself and GeOW isn't going to be there next gen.

I am a self proclaimed fanboy ;) hehe .

No no im just kidding...but sony and playstation is very strong here in South Africa, they kinda made console gaming mainstream in our country, before that i think all we had was cheap chinese knock off brands (could be wrong here). Plus they released games inline with international releases which was great for us. Anyways just thought i should explain my allegience and fanboyism :D

Back to my response! I think if sony launched the ps3 at an affordable price things would have definately been different. To what extent? No1 knows. They could have also released it at the same time the 360 released again this would have probably changed things as well. But they didnt do any of those things. So we will never know what the outcomes would have been. Personally i feel if they launched with an afforadable price and a bit sooner, things would be drastically different. I stil think 360 would have the lead in US tho :) (no where close to the lead they have now)

People often blame Sony for their downfall this gen but most dont seem to credit MS for what they have done.  One of the things i think MS has done is make games that appeal to the US market. In particular gears of war. Gears of war kinda ushered in this generation. I think gears alone made some people immediately loyal to the xbox brand. Not to mention the halo fanbase as well that carried over from the previous gen and then grew  even more this gen.

And yes Sony will most definately have great first party support from the get go but apart from Uncharted i dont see anything that has trully captivated the US audience in Sony's current first party line up. I dont think MS will sit back either and not have an extensive launch line up...unless they go fully for the casual audience :/ but thats a different topic. I think MS will come out strong next gen as well. Maybe not gears, maybe not even halo but they will definately have some new games and franchises releasing, and they will look to theses new games to do exactly what gears and halo did this gen. Theyve already proved they know how to appeal to the US audience.

 But i do feel that its Sony that has more work to be done to regain their status next gen. All in all its gona be a really interesting time and i cant wait! :D

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