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padib said:
theprof00 said:
padib said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
padib said:
Nice cop-outs to basic facts provided. Why not retort with something intelligent?

If you believe Evolution doesn't explain the diversity of life or were it came from, then what theory do you propose that explains the origins and diversity of life?

Remember, to discredit a theory, you must have a theory of your own...I'm curious of your answer so please don't leave me hanging.  :)

I was expecting a defense of ToE like what Kitler provided :)

Or, the alternatives are:

1. Spontaneous Creation by a higher power (so yeah -> GOD)

2. Seeding by ET life (but this fails because it would cause recursion of the issue at hand.)

3. Apparition from an alternate dimension. (this also fails due to recursion)

4. None of this is real.

Like it? :)

Oh, and OoSnap is right, we're not offering the solution atm, just the problem. To present the problem you don't need an alternative. That's only necessary when you're providing the solution.

you're an intelligent guy, padib, you and oosnap.... but SERIOUSLY?

There is not ONE thing in the world that is explained by any of those options, but you think it applies to Life on the planet? Why doesn't it have anything to do with anything else? You must understand that life is but an arbitrary facet of the universe. Life is no more unique than gravity or the speed of light.

And spontaneous creation is already addressed within the theory of evolution. By presenting the facts that it does, it automatically rules out spontaneous creation. That like me saying "this banana was taken out of the fridge and placed on the table" and someone coutnering it by saying "are you sure it didn't just appear on the table". That's not offering the problem. That's saying "you're wrong" along with "science is just random ideas that could be wrong at any point".


AND FYI to the OP, evolution doesn't say all life came from ONE common ancestor.

Thanks man, I really appreciate that. And same to you.

"And spontaneous creation is already addressed within the theory of evolution. By presenting the facts that it does, it automatically rules out spontaneous creation."

I have to revert to OP if you don't mind. Given its challenge to evolution, I was responding to jake_the_fake1's curteous request for alternatives, in case it was discarded, in which scenario the explanations of evolutions would not hold given the state of the theories relevance. So to say spontaneous creation is not an option because ToE refutes it does not hold in a case where ToE is hypothetically discarded. I think you see what I mean, look at it in the context of the request.

"There is not ONE thing in the world that is explained by any of those options, but you think it applies to Life on the planet? Why doesn't it have anything to do with anything else? You must understand that life is but an arbitrary facet of the universe. Life is no more unique than gravity or the speed of light."

Again you have to look at it in light of the initial request made to me:

"If you believe Evolution doesn't explain the diversity of life or were it came from, then what theory do you propose that explains the origins and diversity of life?"

I offered unbiased alternatives given his curteous request.

"Life is no more unique than gravity or the speed of light."

I can accept that.

"AND FYI to the OP, evolution doesn't say all life came from ONE common ancestor."

I think what he meant was that all life-forms evolved from a simple cell, according to ToE. Is that not the position of ToE? If not let me know. Note this doesn't mean that for instance humans evolved from primates. They could be on separate branches. But the root, as far as I understood, is the same for all lifeforms.

It does not say that all life came from one specific cell. It says that all live came from single celled organisms. There is a difference between saying one specific cell multiplied into all life, and saying thousands of cells might have all appeared concurrently.

I don't know the basics, but evolution is more about a "stuff" being the root of all life, and not one specific thing. ie; Adam isn't the father of all humans, Adam appeared at the same time as Pedro, Xin, Murphy, Bjorn, and Dunga. All fathered their own children. (to use an example you might better understand)