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I submit this proposal of the nature of God.

According to Genesis, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word WAS God.

According to the Bible God is Truth, and Truth is the word.

Using this description, I propose that God IS the mathematical concepts that we discover. God is e=mc2, and we know that it is him because there is no e=mc100. God is the very fabric of all natural law, and through those laws he creates us and controls us by forcing law upon us. This in turn shows that God is essentially science.

This is reinforced by the fact that through science we will soon be able to grow life without life, and clone, and do the things considered blasphemous. Even a computer processor is modeled after patterns of natural travel, which in turn is co-represented in the brain and heart of everything.

Science will eventually be used create to the perfect being after our own image that surpasses our limitations, as everyday our species violently surges past the limitations of previous generations.

Prove me wrong.