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Ironically I'm going to quote myself from my reply to 'Prove God Exists' where I defended God.

Science is a moving target. Science 'Facts' change all the damn time! It used to be a scientific 'fact' that Saturn had 9 rings. Well, now we know it has thousands. Truth is there is no such thing as Science 'fact'. Everything is science theory and is only excepted as 'truth' until something comes along and disproves it. Which happens daily.

Science is merely the observation of what is and the projection of why it is. As we observe new things those projections change. You are not wrong in questioning modern evolutionary theory (and it is admittedly a theory) however your arguement is clearly one-sided as it doesn't look at the thousands of examples of evolution in action. Heck, I just got back from a trip to the West coast where I marveled at how the same common animals - squirrels and seagulls - were so different. Why? Simple and logical answer - they adapted to their environment which is simply 'evolution'. You have only to look at the diversity of life now, and compare it to life a million years ago and see things clearly have changed.

Personally, I don't believe in the current evolutionary theory either. I believe in more of a guided evolution model which I won't bother to get into because I can't prove (or disprove) it, except it makes more sense to me.

However I find closing your eyes to the ample evidence around you that something is happening - that animals change to suit their environment over time - because it's more convinent to look at the small handful that don't (out of millions that do) to completely discount evolution altogether, frankly, silly.

I'd think you were a creationist except your own argument discounts religious explanations too. So what do you think is happening?