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Because people are used to the same type of characters over and over. After Squall accepted the fact that he loved Rinoa and that he had to let people into his life, that is when he develops more as a character, but people tend to ignore that because people in this thread see what they want to see. Did these smart individuals forget how emo and retarded Cloud was at times? Or how emo Sephiroth became when he found out where he came from? Or that Cloud was nothing but a pathological liar living Zack's life? FF7 redeemed itself because of Vincent and the rest of the FF compilation (DoC, Crisis Core, Advent Children). Squall not letting people in has to do with him growing up in the orphanage and losing his "sis" which he had come to rely on (something that in real life is very feasible). My only criticism in the game was drawing magic from enemies. Enemies leveling up with you is actually a great thing, or are some of you wanting to be lazy mofo's using the penny with a rubberband trick to level up while you afk? Seriously complain over something worth complaining about. The whole thing about going into space is explained in the story, so learn to pay the f.....k attention! The previous sorceress who controlled Esthar was sealed and sent to space as to not risk Ultimecia synching with her (think name was Adel or something) as in that body, she was extremely powerful and a direct confrontation was too risky for the world. Unfortunately Ultimecia posseses Rinoa to free the sorceress, but luckily she gets beat down before she can realize full power. Afterwards Ultimecia begins Time Compression (will not bother explaining that whole process) and the characters travel through time, ultimately into the future which is Ultimecia's realm, in order to beat her. Under full time compression Ultimecia becomes the ultimate being which is why Squall and the gang travel to kill her in her original realm before all hell breaks lose and she attains godhood in a sense. In that sense it's reminiscent of Chrono Trigger time travel against Lavos.
FF9 was a throwback and an enjoyable game with certain interesting themes, and a different style altogether, but I absolutely hated summoning in that game, i felt very cheated. Odin destroying cities, and Alexander vs Bahamut was awesome though, but the invincible vs Alexander felt cheap and really stupid even if it was for story's sake. I did like Zidane as a character as he had a hero happier type personality similar to Goku from DB.

Make games, not war (that goes for ridiculous fanboys)

I may be the next Maelstorm or not, you be the judge  hopefully I can be more of an asset than a fanboy to VGC hehe.