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I think i might have been a believer of Intelligent design even withour realizing.

Looking at people i see this: either a person lives in harmony or they live in chaos. What sets them apart? Harmony, a purpose, balance. A person that is at peace with oneself lives a balanced and harmonious life and can overcome the negative parts in life.
On the other hand, a person that is not at peace with oneself does not find anything but chaos, that being, doesn`t know where it belongs; can`t find a meaning so it ends up destroying itself. Not to be read literally, but you can see the difference between a person who fells beneath addictions and one that lives in love and peace.

If i look at how a coutry is ran i can also see two things: if a country is ran in a good and balanced way than, despite the negative parts, it can sustain itself - because it knows how. A country that does not do this will eventually find conflicts and "destruction" of it`s balance. Despite all the evolution not one change caused the ecosystem to simply colapse.

A planet like ours also lives on balance aswell as the universe. Had it not had balance or the know how within it and it would surely colapse because amongst all the changes everything happened in way that balance was kept. Despite all anomalies that might have happened not a single one destroyed it.

It`s like telling a blind man to lead the way. Doesn´t it seem more logical that someone who knows what He`s doing actually lead things up until now?
So i do believe that a balance and purpose do exist otherwise everything would go boom - our would have gone boom.
Now if everything had it`s own sense of purpose/idea of balance/etc.... another boom/chaos? But if they all had the same imprint, they could work together in harmony, hence having a universe that still can withstand itself.

At least that`s my interpretation of the universe and how it works.