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Michael-5 said:

You should go back and play some games. I beat Chrono trigger only 5 years ago or so and it's my favorite game of all time. Don't let graphics boarder your choices for games. I mean I'm playing FFVI for the first time now and I'm loving it.

I missed a lot of games too, but there is no reason not to go back now, especially since most great games get remakes on handhelds now (If You haven't played Ocarina of Time, do it NOW!).

If you're playing on an emulator, you need to give Terranigma a shot. I know it never released in NA, but this game deserves more recognition - it's imo up there with  FFVI, Chrono Trigger, SoM, Lufia II, etc. in the club of awesome SNES-JRPGs.