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Michael-5 said:
Michael-5 said:

well if yall must insist heres my top 5

1. N64

2. PS2

3. PS3

4. NES

5. Sega saturn

Sega Saturn, really? N64 was an awesome system, I spent more time playing that game multiplayer then any other console, even my 360 and PS3 combined. Why didn't SNES make your list?

the only games i ever play'd on the snes and the sega saturn where fighting and racing games.

hey i changed my mind the sega genises is number 5. i had way more fun on that system. to comment more on the snes i just got tierd of playing mario games or better put the usual suspects.

really though i loved every system i've gamed on so far. NES is there cause it was the first. the top 4 ps1 and the genises are the ones i gamed on the most.

Well if you only played SNES for Mario, Zelda and the usual you missed out. I love the SNES for some really awesome JRPG's. Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, FFVI, Earthbound etc. Plus a lot of Nintendo's best were on the SNES. Super Mario Kart, DKC, Super Metroid, F-Zero, etc.

Genesis to me didn't have much that was unique. I really loved Ranger X, and Sonic was good too, but what else was there?

My most gamed are SNES, N64, and GBA.

i admitedly missed more then i know. i missed alot of games from the NES to PS2. i was late to the party and literaly new nothing more then wht i had seen.

i never really had that many games. the main games i new about had mario, all the fighting games, and sonic on them at that time. so i'm limited but wht i play'd was well worth it.

now i know more and expect more. back then i new nothing and expected little.