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existstance is nothing more then pure thought. in a space of nothing how can something just be created? how was god here before man? wht brouht him here? he couldn't have just existed! thats not logical by anymeans.

there had to be something before God and something here before that ect, or theres no way he could exists. nothing just exists there has to be some logic or rational reasoning behind it.

You are thinking based on knowledge we humans possess, which is limited at best. Your thoughts are created from nothing every moment of every day, you should have no more belief in your own thoughts then you do of God. Why did there have to be something before God? if God is the 'begining and end of all' then God is the thing that existed before God. Logical thinking is not be used when those who believe in God show you their proof. Their faith is, and faith is something that comes from nothing.

Hmm, pie.