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It can't be proven. No divinity or similar concept can ever be proven to be any more than one's imagination.
Well, if I'm going down, I'm taking you with me. In a sense.
Tell me, can you really "prove" most scientific concepts (or anything at all)? They are all, ultimately, based on complete and utter assumptions. I mean, for example, a lot of scientific progress is made through observation. Tell me, what the heck does observation prove? Is there any reason to believe that what you, I or 7 billion people see has any basis in reality whatsoever? Science is also, you might say, based on logical deductions and reasoning. Tell me, what on earth is logic? Isn't it just what you think makes sense? Also, let's rewind a bit. How the heck do you prove anything at all? Just because your reasoning makes sense to yourself and 7 billion other people, it means that your reasoning is valid? I think not.
I'm definitely treading on existential grounds here (nothing can prove that we actually exist and stuff), but I'll be impressed if you can reasonably argue against this.
This is why I like Maths (well, the "Pure" kind, I suppose, if I know it well enough to refer to it). It needn't be real or apply to the world as you know it. It's all abstract and in your head, where nothing needs proof, :D.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx