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I think the great appeal of the game is the cinematic feel, that is why I didn't mind the linear nature of the game, although I would have enjoyed a few open areas to explore(like a small village with a couple of dialog options). It wouldn't have to be as in depth as say Mass Effect, but if there was a few scenes where you needed to finesse info out of people by talking it would have been nice. I thought it was cool to that alot of the time the characters would just keep talking to each other while you walked around and played, it kept it feeling like a movie. Although another problem is the length, I'm 5 hours in and 70% done. That doesn't bode well for the length of the game. I think a few spots with a free roaming adventure/puzzle areas would have helped. But I'm not going to knock it, I enjoy it and without doubt will be buying the sequel. I can't say that about alot of games.