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Well....we, humans, were created by God himself, right? Then where is Gods wife?

Going further, didn't God impregnate Mary while she was Josephs wife?

Biggest horn-making in the history of mankind, it would seem.

In addition, in the ten commandments, it does clearly say that you cannot commit adultery. But adultery happens when you go after another man/woman when you're already wed. It doesn't really say that pre marital sex is bad. At least in my opinion.

The biggest point to be understood is something else though. People are too wrapped in the core meaning of husband and wife. Now you have to get married to be husband and wife, but thousands of years ago it really wasn't so. Weddings only happened if someone could afford them, which meant that 99% of the population couldn't really afford going to a priest of any religion to say their vows.

So they just go somewhere together and live together. Just like that. Wife and husband were titles that came from deeds, such as sex and living together, working together and dying together, not some abstract ceremony which is used today by the church to rake in heavy money from couples.

If i lose access to this profile as well....I'm done with this site.....You've been warned!!.....whoever you are...

Happy Wii60 user. Me and my family are a perfect example of where hardcore meets casual and together mutate into something awesome.