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alright I see this thread is running low on ideas, so let me add a few.
How about the old Japan exclusive F-Zero releases? If I remember correctly there was an expansion to F-Zero X on N64 with a track editor, and also one or two GBA games in the series that never made it to the west.
They could be released digitally with a code to download via club Nintendo.

How about never before seen games like Starfox 2? Assuming it's complete and can be emulated that is..
Or some of the old Satellaview games?

To be honest, these are the kind of things I want to see on club Nintendo, not silly calenders and tote bags!

Other possible games that only saw limited release outside Japan, but are already translated to English could also work, such as Doshin the Giant, Cubivore, Giftpia and more.
NPC Chibi Robo is also possible since they could just slap the GC translation on the Wii port.

American gamers could get a taste of some of those European exclusives from this gen. like Disaster, Another Code: R, and more. I'm sure Europe has more than a few games from previous gens that they never got.

With all the recent discussions about Nintendo not caring about their fans and only publishing major releases, I think this is something that finally looks like a step in the right direction!
It's not the best option but it's something, and like I said earlier it shows that Nintendo still care about their fans, and more importantly, that they are willing to do the initial work of porting and translating even if there is no profit involved!

That's certainly commendable!

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

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mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

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