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I say we all join hands and champion sexism. Respect shouldn't be automatic. It should be earned, and based on the performance of the individual. Instead of arguing that everyone is equal. We should be arguing for nothing less then equal sacrifice, or recognizing the fundamental unfairness of life. What we shouldn't be doing is arguing that people are entitled to equal treatment regardless. That is truly unjust. Sexism is merely an excuse as to why someone must be given something they haven't earned.

Sexism is truly crass propaganda. It is not a argument for equality. It is a argument for ignorance, and covering up the disparities between the genders. Be it workload or addressing poor gender based mindsets. Have you ever in your life solved a problem by not confronting the issues. Sexism is just a blunt instrument used by one gender to shame another gender. That is not equality, and it will never bring about a free dialogue.

We need to be feeling free to express our sexist views otherwise we are never going to meet each other half way it will end up being a situation where one profits at the expense of another. Better to be brutally upfront then to suffer in silence. How is being terrified by gender supposed to be productive. We have too many people that are using their gender as a crutch, and a defense for exploiting the system. We have no fewer victims today then we had fifty years ago.

I will use a example for my summation. Remember we want sexism to go away. Take two physical laborers who are tossing sacks of concrete into a truck. One is male, and the other is female. Both are getting paid the same hourly wage, but here is the difference the male is able to toss five times the volume of bags as the female. In a fair system shouldn't he be entitled to a wage five times more then she. We could argue that her inadequacies are actually victimizing him. He could be getting paid more for his ability, or he could work with someone who is more capable of evenly splitting the work load. The laws that have benefited one are actually causing harm to the other. Like it or not Sexism has some valid points, and that is my point ignoring those points is not going to bring about a just society.