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Dodece said:
I am genuinely confused by how daft some members of these forums seem. Your upset by the fact that, and please brace yourselves. Sony's delay station is going to see yet another delay. I know it is both coarse and crass of me to use that old cliche. That said from the time it was very true to today where is is hardly true. Most of you have made the choice to tolerate this for years in support of a brand loyalty.

How is your position one of merit, or remotely deserving of sympathy. Hell how is it going to have any chance at all of changing this developers mindset. By driving down sales you are going to make the platform less lucrative, and only more likely to see decreased support. Not the opposite which is what you say you want. The only way you are going to gain increased leverage is by increasing consumption. Only then will you have something to take away.

You are accounting for forty percent of the primary market, and I shudder to think about the secondary market for this developer. Collect yourself for another low blow. You aren't equal to the 360 community. So why act like you are entitled to equal treatment. This isn't a democracy money talks, and bullshit walks. You really should be grateful for what you get.

The 360 is very much the default console, and that brings with it a lot of first class perks. The PS3 is basically the other console, and that makes it a second class affair. You seated yourself so that means you can change your seat at any time you like. If this irks you so much you have a constructive choice. Either double up on consoles, or switch brands. Not sure why it has to go this far before you say hey I really hate this, but it is in no way too late to change your mind. Hell it is a good time to do just that. With the bundles that are going to be coming soon. It will actually be quite the bargain.

I just don't get it as I said. Microsoft is a software company it is in their nature to be about having the best of that they can get. Sony is a hardware company to them it is the machine. I can understand if the latter is the big deal to you personally. What I cannot understand is the whining about something that the PS3 was never all that good at to begin with. All it sounds to me like is some Microsoft minded people being shackled to another brand that is not properly tending to their needs. Shouldn't this all just be one more hint.

There are lots of elitest tone and angry tone in this post.  My original post wasn't that serious. 

Most games (except few FPSs) sell about 60%-40% in the US and gets close to 50-50 overall after adding in Europe/Other.  Currently the preorder for Skyrim in North America is 75-25 (375K (xbox) to 125K (PS3)).  I hope this stays like this.  I'm not getting this game......  I rather spend my time reading a book or actually going outside or watching lots of football in the fall....