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DOATS1 said:
well, after ps3's failed lanuch, alot of people expected ps3 to either fall off by '08 or just about reach 6-7 million at this current point. it is completely possible that people could be wrong again. ps3 can still increase in sales. i dont think its fair to instantly assume that ps3 cannot compete anymore, because it is very possible and quite likely in my opinion, that it can.

People predicted 6-7 million based on small or no price cuts from Sony, given that the PS3 was so expensive to produce and cost Sony billions of dollars. Sony did very bold price cuts, which did in fact throw most people's predictions in the trash. But Sony can't do this every year, they simply have to start breaking even on hardware sales at some point.

SlorgNet said:
Ye Gods, another the-PS3-is-doomed thread.

Basic math check: Japan's population is 126 million or so, the US is at 303 million. So in per capita terms, the PS3 is selling slightly better in Japan than in the US (at a ratio of 7:5).

It's not a PS3-is-doomed thread, it's a discussion of something which is real. Making up a metric specifically to make it seem like the PS3 is doing well in Japan won't change the facts which were presented, and which are indeed worrying for PS3 (in Japan).


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