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I look at what the argument has devolved into and I don’t see the point. Yes, FPS games are more popular on the Xbox 360. I don't think that was ever in dispute. The point of this thread was to show that the Xbox isn't just a "shooter box" like people seem to think. There's diversity amongst it's users and its library. The whole "shooter box" thing and the argument that 360 fans only play FPS's is just another stereotype that needs to die,

As for the list of exclusives, I'll say that Halo and Gears are well made juggernaut franchises and deserve every sale they get. They are shooters but they are awesome. I wish games like God of War 3 and Uncharted were equally popular among the PS3 fanbase because they are pure quality. With that said, 360's exclusives span five genres (4 FPS's, 2 TPS's, 2 Racers, 1 RPG, and one Party Game) while the PS3's exclusives span four genres (3 racers, 4 Action/Adventure, 2 FPS's, and one Platformer).

It still doesn't prove anything. Looking at the top movies of all time, there will probably be a ton of Star Wars/Harry Potter movies but that doesn't mean every movie goer is a star wars fan. It just proves that Star Wars/Harry Potter are "an event" and they make a lot of money. If there were 10 Halo games or 10 Gran Turismo's, the top ten for each console would consist solely of that one popular genre. That doesn't mean that that one genre is all people play.