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I've always disagreed with the notion that the PS3 and 360 have different demographics. When you look at it, most 360 owners were probably PS2 owners before, so it's the same audience that has now alienated to two platforms. Of course there are some who were Xbox only owners, but those are (obviously) in the minority. I think the only reason Xbox gets labeled as a shooter platform is because Halo is it's signature franchise, just like how Nintendo's consoles are labeled as "family consoles" because of Mario. Since the PS doesn't have a signature franchise (I don't believe racer games can define a console), people automatically assume that PS3 owners are more diverse when in reality they are almost the same as 360 owners (again, the small difference being the Xbox only owners from last gen). So no, I don't believe PS3 owners are more diverse than 360 owners; they're both the same.