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It highly depends what kind of product you are developing.
Where I work, about 30% of the workforce has a maths, physics or mechanics PHD but that is not the norm.
Very few computer programming actually require strong physics as this is often done by a third party toolkit you will be using...

In any case you will need strong logic skills which typically is tied to good maths skills ( if you are good at maths you are good at logic and vice versa..)
You will need good maths skills for algorithmic ( which will happen if you end up working on performances).

I do work in an area where maths is key but once again it is not the norm  ( bsplines, knot vectors, pcurves, non manifold solids, anyone ?)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !