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If Canada was going down in flames and I had enough cash to not only survive but donate to the country. Then yes I would donate, but right now my country is doing fairly well and I pay enough taxes as do all the other civilians that the country doesn't really need our help. I do donate my time to charity organisations working in my community but my dollars are sent to third world countries who need the help way more then my Government does.

Now also would I donate to my Government if my country was going down? I would likely donate to third party aid organisations operating in my country. Unless we were being invaded in which case I'd donate every dime I have to the military and join up as a volunteer to kick invader ass!

But if famine and such were hitting my country and homelessness was way up and 75% didn't have jobs. Assuming I still had employment and money to give yah I'd be donating to local charities and aid organisations not likely the Government!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer