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huaxiong90 said:
mrstickball said:

....You realize they (rebels, not spec-ops) were storming one of Gaddafi's compounds in Tripoli, right?

What proof do you have of spec ops operating in Tripoli? There are litterally hundreds of reports stating that the rebels took the city, with no mention of any sort of special forces. Incredible claims require incredible proofs, and I am asking for some sort of proof that you can provide that either country has boots on the ground in Tripoli that led to them capturing the city.

It's all more than likely just another silly conspiracy theory. Aljazeera reports that the people tasked with defending the outskirts of Tripoli were secretly aligned with the rebels, so when the rebels arrived, they opened the way for them.


However, just to let you know why I said your first comment was fallacious:

- You said there's flags of the countries involved in the intervention being waved: The overwhelming majority of the flags are just the NTC's flag. But yeah some of the flags being waved are from NATO countries.

Oh, I don't doubt that at all. I am just surprised that NATO flags were waved at all.

- About it turning into another Egypt. All the chaos that you're seeing in Egypt, including the persecution of the Coptics throughout all these years, is really the dirty work/manipulation of the old regime (mainly). When Mubarak was still in power, he was trying to use this as a mind game to the people as if he's man that holds the country together and that there's no alternative. He uses Islamists as the scapegoat for the country's chaos.

Time will tell if your view is correct or not. The Egyptian revolution is still in the transitional stage, so we won't really know how things will pan out. However, the recent attack on Israel via Egypt is a disturbing event, and if more such attacks are carried out, I would question if it Mubarak's plan, or the reality of a new Egypt being aligned with different factions.

A defected commander from Gaddafi's army said Muammar had a similar plan in which he'd plant bombs on several embassies (and the commander's group captured these parcels too to prove it), destroy them, and blame Islamists (al Qaeda namely) so as to find an excuse to have the international pressures on him to leave reduced.

I don't doubt it. But it seems Gaddafi's regime was too complacent to do such. At least that we know of right now.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.