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brendude13 said:
worldlyfall said:

Why are you using your personal experience like its fact than?  Your personal experience means nothing, because i played a lot more Halo than you did. You played only 40 something games of Reach, so what experience do you really have? There are no more kids on Halo than any other game. As for parents, again facts? The only games parents buy for their kids that they know are meant for kids are WII games. If Halo is such a childish game ESRB would have rated it T or E, but no it’s rated M for mature. Parents actually look at the rating for games you know. Since when did raw and gritty become the benchmark for adult games, because Halo uses color it’s for kids? Again, as before you’re speaking through your ass.

Final Fantasy fans are obsessive, remember how crazy they went when it was announced for 360.

As for the quote, i already said the 343i said they are working on the new Halo trilogy for 10 years. The 360 won’t be around for 10 more years. They been working on Halo 4 for 2 years so far which means 343i is taking 3 years to release Halo 4, so how can they release Halo 6 in 2014? Activsion needs two, now three developers to release a COD game every year how can MS do it with one? As for the quote the reason why he said for the 360 cause as of now MS has not confirmed the new Xbox. So why would they hint at it? You’re taking that quote too literally. And God of war is Sony. MS won’t release their biggest franchise on their older platform, all that will do is hinder the sales of their new system. As of right now I am starting to think you’re a child since you argue like one.

Everything you said so far about Halo is typical fanboy hatred towards the franchise maybe that’s why you have a Halo hating rep on the site because you’re indeed a hater. If this was another game i beat you wouldn't care as much.


...I just know, Halo is very popular amongst kids, as is Call of Duty. You can't prove it, feel free to go around surverying thousands of people if you want though. Halo doesn't look like a very "mature" game, it has guns, that's it. Parents don't give a shit about ESRB, they just judge a book by its cover, Halo is a very innocent looking game, a game parents wouldn't hesitate to buy for their children. It's not as if parents gave a shit about what games their kids played as a whole. Anyway, enough about that comment, why do you find it so offensive? 

How the hell do you know how many games of Reach I have played? o.0

As for 343i saying that it will take them 10 years to make the trilogy, "you are taking their quote too literally ;)", as a matter of fact, I can't find anything about that. What I did find was a quote from Don Mattrick in THE E3 conference, saying that it will be a new trilogy for the XBOX 360, that quote hasn't been corrected or even commented on. Will the new Halo trilogy be on the XBOX 360? God knows, but if it is, then it is nothing short of milking.

Please, keep the immature mudslinging to a minimum, a little respect wouldn't hurt either.

As for God of War, I don't think 2 released retail games and one retail game in development is hardly milking, but enough about that as well.

I'm just telling the truth, I DON'T have a reputation of being a Halo hater on this website, I have barely even made comments about the game. "Again, as before, you're speaking through your ass ;)."



You just know? What sort of crap is that? You’re giving no facts at all only your personal belief. How old are you? You played a few matches online and you seem to think you know a lot. Such fanboyism.

 Parents do care about ESRB ratings, you ever take a child developing course or any social science course in high school? Or are you still learning how to count by twos in pre K? Parents use ESRBs ratings when buying games for their kids, don’t sit there on your computer and give me bullshit. You’re full of it, its obvious, cannot argue with me without making things up to help you.

As for the innocent look, again what are you talking about? I look at the cover of a Halo game i see a soldier holding a gun. Look at the cover of any other shooter it’s basically the same thing. Heck Reach and Gears have the same type of cover. You know nothing at all do you?

As for the ten year cycle, 343i said it one of the videos about Halo CEA, if i find it, I will link it later but as of now you just seem to be a waste of time to even bother looking for it. Plus what do you mean how i know how much games you played. If you spend more than five minutes playing Halo you know you can see your  stats on or just type in your G-tag. There is a reason why i know you suck at the game and only played a few matches.

Here are my stats: 

Here is yours:

Moving on.

Now you’re going to make me repeat myself. It’s taking 343i 3 years to make Halo 4. They cannot release the other two Halo games during the rest of the Xbox 360 life time because they don’t have the man power to do so. Activsion needs three devs to annualize COD, MS cannot do it with one. Also MS themselves said they will not annualize the franchise. 

Since they will not annualize the franchise and it takes 343i 3 years to make a game how can they do this during the 360 remaining life span of 3 years or so? They can’t so like I said you’re talking the quote to literally. I never seen someone take something to heart as much as you have before. It’s clear you’re a fanboy.

I didn’t insulting you at all.  You’re not speaking the truth you sound a tool to be honest. I will not give respect to a fanboy. Don’t argue about something you know nothing about, simple.


Here a tip if your going to reply use links to back up your claims, they will help you.