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Ail said:
Kasz216 said:
Ail said:
Kasz216 said:
Ail said:
Kasz216 said:
Ail said:
sethnintendo said:

The way to fight illegal immigration would be to go after the businesses and fine them more than the slap on the wrist they get now.  The idea of making all 11 million illegal immigrants legal is pure idiotic.  It was done under Reagan and that didn't solve anything.  Most of the thinking seems to just try and patch the problem rather than address it with actual solutions.  Crying that it is unfair to break families apart when they are breaking the law is about as dumb as fighting the war on drugs.

Funny but I don't see a lot of "legal" american willing to do the jobs most illegal immigrants do.

I guess they are too busy crying about illegal immigration to go look out for jobs......

I'd actually blame it more on the farm lobby convincing congress to add farm work to the minimium wage exemption for no good reason.

Why take a job that pays less then unemployment or welfare?

Aside from which, if no "legal" americans were willing to do said jobs, then companies would make sure the immigrants get here via legal work visas or by an increase in legal immigration.

I don't think you have any idea on how much time it takes to get someone a legal work visa or how much it costs a company to do so.

Which is why in practice they only do so for highly skilled people, mainly in the software and healthcare business...

Actualy I know plenty about it... and you'd be wrong.  Plenty of nonskilled people get in.  It's actually the majority.  Thanks to family member visas.

Also, it's not really that it takes long to get the legal work via a visa.  It's that so few visas are given out BECAUSE of illegal immigration.

An interesting note is there are 11 million illegal aliens in this country.... and 10 million people who apply for the diversity green card.  Think how many more of those people could of came here if we had proper legal controls.

For you to get the family member visa someone in your family first has to get a work visa.

It took me 6 years to get my green card so nope it's not cheap or fast...( didn't cost me a dime because the company paid all but they have an attorney firm working just on visa for employees).

50% of the people I work with were not  born in the US either and took forever to get their green card too.

Getting an L1 is fast but you can only work for the company it ties you too.

There are plenty of requirement that make it almost impossible to get a work visa for an unskilled worker aside from marrying a US citizen or getting a family visa ( and once again to get that someone in your family has to be legal and in the US for that to work). Like you have to post a job offering similar to what the person would be getting and demonstrate that you could not find anyone currently legal in the US to fill the spot...

It takes time because there are plenty of people in the Quere, one of the reasons that is, is because currently our need for immigrants is lessened by all the illegal immigrants flooding into the country.

Outside that, are you argueing that people who have family connections or people who have jobs lined up shouldn't get preference?

I never said that, I was just debunking your idea that many unskilled workers can get a work visa when in reality the only way they can do so is if they already have family legal i  the US...

It takes time because there is a huge backlog in the system and the system isn't funded enough to process that backlog. That and these days they do background checks on every applicant....

I never said they could get work visas.  I said the majority of people who immigrate to this country are unskilled workers.  They get here mostly through family visas.

Also, the backlog isn't because of funding.  It's because only so many visas are allowed to be given out in any year.