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Wii sales drop before Wii Fit was supply constraint, not because demand had dropped!!

Gazz, we are talking about GT5 because there are two big franchises for Sony in Japan - Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy. They drove sales for PS2 in 2001 about a year after the system launched and also helped make PS a success back in 97/98. Most of the other big PS / PS2 games have dropped away much more over the years - even over the latter life of PS2. Resident Evil isn't half as big as it used to be in Japan (last million seller was RE3 in 1999), Devil May Cry has never done a million and less with each installment, Tekken has been declining, too many Tales games, Metal Gear Solid has been more steady than most but at best MGS4 could reach 650-700k based on past history.

The point is that there are very few games on the horizon (however highly anticipated they are by hardcore fans on this site and others) that have the ability to drive sales in Japan for PS3 - even the two biggest (GT and FF) have been less and less successful with each sequel and are will have little impact on the current poor PS3 sales. Next week it will be down to 25k, 20k the week after and will probably be hovering around 15k most of the year with boosts for big game releases. This is definitely Gamecube territory and I see little that is going to make that change at the moment.