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Having read every book in all three series, and watched every movie from two (only the first two Twilight ones)...

For books, Harry Potter is much easier to get into and enjoy. I grew up with the series, so I'm biased, but I think they're very entertaining. The Lord of the Rings books are excellent, but much harder to get into. I didn't really read them until after I saw the movies. That's partly because as a kid, they were just too boring for me. The Twilight books are either horrendous, or some of the worst comedies I've ever read. They really don't have any redeeming quality outside of the ending. When it ends.

For movies, The Lord of the Rings. The Harry Potter movies could have been on that level had they kept some consistency in the directors and composers. I think the quality of the movies generally declined from the beginning. Yes, I think that the first three are the best by far. That's not to say that the others suck, but I didn't find them nearly as good as they could have been. Also, the soundtracks for the last three were incredibly bland when compared to the first five. That really killed those movies for me. The Twilight movies... I have never felt more awkward and uncomfortable in my entire life. They're just that awful.