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These figures are truly meaningless, because the two communities are distinctly different. The 360 community is far more bleeding edge. While the PS3 community is far more relaxed and latent. Typically there are more 360 players that are apt to feel that they have to be playing the game one hour after launch with all the bells and whistles. It is both equal parts status and experience. Blame it on Lives interface, or on the weak launch of the PS3 creating more of a subdued mindset.

The truth is 360 owners are just more hip. They got to be part of the scene. They got be part of the launch party, and they simply must have the gear to back them up. I confess to being incredibly guilty of this myself. I was one of those people standing in line for the Halo 3 launch. Fifty minutes after launch I was playing the campaign in full cooperative mode with friends, and we didn't stop until we polished the game off as the sun was coming up. Hell some of my friends played a full twenty four hours before they passed out.

What is kind of hilarious is the fear this instills in people. We should know there will be more then enough copies, but a lot of us feel we need that guarantee. That no matter what we will have that game. Yes the need to be part of it all is so great we actually seem to conjure up unrealistic fears. Hell when I bought Halo 3 I got in the line for the sale two hours before launch. By the time of launch the people at the back of the line were starting to look terrified.

Probably the best part of walking out after my purchase was taunting the late arrivals. It didn't take much at all to set them off. I just pulled out my cell phone, and pretended to talk to someone about them only having less then a hundred copies left. Which wasn't true mind you, but I got a good chuckle from watching those people spasm, and start to panic. The fear was so palpable on their faces.

Anyway it probably has almost everything to do with a irrational fear/need then it does with any subjective value judgement being made. Not saying it is right or wrong. I rather like the whole community experience that Live has going for big launches. Doesn't necessarily make me buy a certain game, but if I am going to buy such a game I think I like being part of the whole launch party. It makes me feel a little more special and cool then I really am.

So these numbers are only representative of the different attitudes at play in each community, and for those that are going off on the software sales tandem. Have we really learned nothing over the years. Microsoft wages, and wins its war in the fourth quarter. To be honest the entire industry is end heavy thanks to climactic change, and the holiday season. It is kind of like judging the meal on what was served as a appetizer. Wait till you get to the meat before you commit.