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Crazzyman, I'm just wondering why you are pointing out that Playstation games in Japan sell fewer copies on a larger userbase?  To me, that says that people are getting tired of it.  Yeah, the games might sell more as the first version on a new console worldwide.  But sales overall are falling in Japan, which is where we are talking about.

 GT > GT3 >(by less than 200k) GT2 > GT4

And I think GT5 will be between lucky to reach GT4 levels in Japan.

If you look at the sales of GT in Japan, more than half of the lifetime sales come in the first 3 or 4 weeks.  So you better hope the PS3 reaches your optimistic prediction by whenever it comes out.  (Which is when exactly anybody?)  Otherwise sales won't be very good.  I think lifetime sales in Japan will be less than half of the PS3 userbase at the time of release.

On another note Crazzyman, you seem like a hypocrite.  Earlier in this thread you pointed out that MGS2 and MGS3 both sold around the same amount in Japan.  Seems like it has a hardcore fan base that will buy it.  Just the kind of people you were complaining about in another thread about the Wii (About people who buy SMB, Zelda, etc.).

 As a side note, about the general movement of Japan to a casual/handheld market: maybe this is why MS doesn't care so much about what happens in Japan is that they saw this coming?  NA and definitely Others are growing in regards to consoles and now make up a much larger portion of the market than Japan.  If PS3 only sells 5 million there MS will probably actually be happy with how they did.  Of course this is just an observation on my part, it could still be lack of appealing games/outside company/quality problems.

Crazzyman says:

"FFXIII will sell over 10 mln. don`t worry."

"FFXIII is ONLY possible on PS3.
it`s not a multiplatform, because the game is NOT possible at THIS quality on any other platform." (Posted on 7/13/08)

"SMG in best case will reach:
1.1. mln. in Japan
2 mln. in Europe
3.9 in Usa
maximaum +200k in every region. =]"