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Monteblanco said:
The right question is why a civilization that mastered such high technology and commands power enough to bring an invasion army to Earth would bothers to invade our planet? Except for biological assets, anything we have they could easily get somewhere close to their home.

Anyway, those small insland nations in the Pacific have a much better chance against an USA invasion than we would have against the aliens.

This is one of the problems I have with most alien invasion scenarios. Would an alien species that is so violent that it would commit genocide against another intelligent species despite the fact that they would have much more to gain from collaborating with said species even be able to develop advanced starships capable of traveling to other solar systems? If they were truly that barbaric then I would imagine that they would have destroyed themselves long before they could build starships.

If an alien species ever vists earth it will be to open an alien Walmart or trading post ... something like that. I'll admit that the invasion plot is far easier to pitch to a major studio when disucssing a sci-fi movie though.