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ioi said:
Wait until next week to judge the price drop - this is essentially 5 days of non-sales and 2 days at the new price point. Unlike Japan and unlike software, hardware sales post price drop (especially Nintendo hardware) don't show a huge initial spike but will show sustained strong sales for a number of months. Expect hardware in Americas and EMEAA to be well over 100k each next week...

i'm sorry but i'm not buying.  let's add some perspective to el situation.  I'm going to use US numbers cause that's the market i know more.

there are 4,434 gamestops, 4,300 walmarts, and 1099 best buys just in the US -- this excluses Canada, mexico, whatever ...

now let's make some absolutely horrible assumptions just to get ballpark figure of what your selling us.

1. for the first 5 days of the week the 3DS literally sold 0 units (despite apperantly selling 18,151 last week or 2,593 daily)

2. the non-US portion of americals literally sold 0 unit all week

3. Non-gamestop//walmart//bestbuy retailers such as amazon, the 1,755 targets, the up to  1,382 k-marts, the up to 873 toysRus and wealth of mom-and-pop shots literaly sold 0 units all week.

so: 4,434 + 4,300 + 1099 = 9,833 locations.  

ergo what you are trying to sell me is 57,845 3DS units / 9,833 possible store locations sold a average of 5.88 units per store or 2.94 units per day per store according to the above assumptions.


well, let's just for fun put the standard 0.87 us multipler into the mix and we get 5.11 units per store or 2.55 units per day per store

and that's the "ceiling" you expect me to believe as my assumptions are absolutely terrible ergo that 2.55 units per day per store ought to be a fair bit too high.  i'm sorry but after an $80 (32%) pricecut with weeks of notice and (according to your numbers) a huge drop off in sales in the weeks preceeding the price-cut  illustrating consumer awareness and the evidence benVtrigger provided ... i'm not buying it even a little.