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Hmm there is no point in arguing with you its complety useless you seem awfully sure and since I dont know what I am talking about post all you said in a science forum lets see what the folks over there say.

You are not able to grasp the concept of falsifiability I never said and noone else either on this planet that it determines whats true or not. It determins if science can work with it. Something unfalsifiable can still be theoretically right.

If god exists he existed before so my analogy was right. The greeks gave it a name way before but they didnt invent atoms just because they named it.

To burials it would be unnecessary to give the dead personal belongings without thinking they might use it later.

I am sorry for you that you have to twist things you dont fully understand in a way to make it fit in your static world view. I understand people dont like to be wrong but going as far as changing reality to make it seem like they are right?

I truly hope you will get more informed about Falsifiability.

Besides evolution is unfalsifiable the main problem is the interpretation you can interprete it in a way that makes it hard to say iif its unfalsifiable. A lot of creationists do to declare it as unscientific which ofcourse dont work because its plausible:


What your problem is is that your conclusion you make is valid but the argument with via Falsifiability is wrong. You can t say God cant be true because you cant falsify him. Because thats factually wrong Falsifiability doesnt determin if something is wrong or right.

HOWEVER you can say this:

"An unfalsifiable theory makes no predictions. There?s nothing you could ever observe that would be inconsistent with it. In other words, the world where the theory is true appears exactlyidentical to the world where the theory is false. The theory tells you nothing about the world, and nothing in the world tells you about the theory. So, there is no reason to believe."

There is no reason to believe, note on atheism forums most people would never argue like you did because its logically wrong.

"Really now? This theory would be just baseless guessing, which obviously holds no scientific value."

IYes its baseless guessing and holds NO scientific value I said that million times by using the term unscientific. You cant say if its wrong or right THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF FALSIFIABILITY. God CAN still exist there is just no reason to believe in him same as there is no reason NOT TO believe in him. If there would be a reason not to believe in him then it means god was falsified but you cant do that because he is not falsifiable and out of reach for science thus it allows scientists to believe in god.