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homer said:
Dr.Grass said:
OoSnap said:
Dr.Grass said:
OoSnap said:

Satan has his crosshairs on Israel (obviously). If he can destroy Israel then he would make God out to be a liar - His prophecies won't come to pass.

And herein lies my biggest problem with what modern Christians say. I don't believe in Satan, since it makes no sense. WHY would an ALL POWERFUL God allow a NOT all powerful being to disrupt the lives of His children? I WOULDN'T EVEN ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN TO MY CHILDREN, so WHY would God!?

It's not fair. It's not just, and it makes no sense.

Time for Christians to accept that the Devil is just their scapegoat and the real evil lies inside of them. If you can't accept that the problem is your own desires and poluted consciousness then you cannot be healed. 

Satan and his demons are real.  One of the biggest trick Satan pulled is having people believe he doesn't exist. And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

If Satan is a real person who can - against my will - inflict suffering and turmoil, then that makes God a father who doesn't care about me, one of His children.

Why doesn't God just exterminate Satan!? He's all-powerful right? Or don't you believe that? If you do, then you MUST accept that He's not willing to give all His children an equal chance at escaping eternal suffering. Eternal suffering is not something that will be allowed by an omniscient and all-compasionate Lord. Surely you can grasp this?

Now let me tell you; my dad is a minister so I went to Church twice every week. I have always been religious, but at some point I just knew there's more to spiritual life than that. I seriously started meditating and praying early in my life, and read about St Francis and St Augistine and also about the lives of Buddhist saints. Then I realised that Jesus tought something very similar to Buddhism. Upon further examination I found that Jesus most probably went to India during the missing years of his Biblical-biography. Fascinated by this discovery I learnt that in the Vedic tradition there is quite a lot known about a 'Saint Issa from the West'. Stunned to learn that Jesus was a student at some point as well, I finally comprehended that spiritual science must be - as with God - Universal.

There cannot be partiality in God. These 'I am Muslim', 'I am Christian', 'I am Hindu' designations that we impose on ourselves only further our misidentification with this temporary, material body. Black, white, red or yellow, the Soul is the same, so God shouldn't favour one group over another.

These are surely basic truths? Also, claiming that God is exclusive to a particular religion will systematically alienate deep thinking people from religion - exactly as is happening more and more - therefore,

Can't we all just get along?

Wait, so you believe in Jesus?

If you believe in him, why don't you listen to what he says? If you acknowledge his existance(and Holiness) why do you overlook when he said, no one will come to the father except through me? To acknowledge his existance and holiness and to ignore his preachings about how to live your life and how to get to heaven is stupid. You base your thoughts on things you think to be true/logical  and not what God actually says.

"Wait, so you believe in Jesus?"

Somewhere in the last 2000 years humanity has conjured up a meaning of this phrase. Yes, I agree he existed and that he was a saint and a spiritual teacher. As for being 'the only son of God', I would have to point out that my uncle has two sons, so why is he more potent than God?

"why don't you listen to what he says?"

Why don't YOU listen to what he says? Have you actually studied his teachings properly!? Here is the original Greek:

"ergo eimi ha hodos kai ha alatheia kai ha zoa; oudeis erketai pros ton patera ei ma di emou"

Notice that word erketai. It means 'locally in space and time'. I.e. for the incredibly disillusioned people that Jesus was amongst, there was no hope of learning true self-realization except through him because there were no other teachers around. He never said:"All men must accept me to enter the kingdom of God". That is man-made and secterian.

" You base your thoughts on things you think to be true/logical  and not what God actually says."

I have read many scriptures, and for you to tell me that I must accept everything in the Bible as 'the word of God' when you yourself cannot possibly explain the many incoherencies I can throw in your face is a fallacy.

Why would God only leave one book and then not explain 1)why we are here 2)what the nature of the soul is 3)what is the origin of the desire for pleasure etc. etc. etc. There are other places where these questions are dealt with properly. If you are a Christian then I would say start with the teachings of St.Francis and leave the mass-murderer Paul alone.

"To acknowledge his existance and holiness and to ignore his preachings about how to live your life and how to get to heaven is stupid."

In the Vedic tradition one can evaluate the stage of a person's religious excercise by looking at his motivation:

1) Fear. The lowest. The OP wants to use this as his motivation to some extent

2) Gain. This is what you are doing. "I want to get into heaven so let me accept Jesus". Good luck.

3) Attraction to His oppulences. This is starting to get somewhere, and you will see this is where the saints (Jesus, St.Francis, and many from India) start their teachings.

4) No motivation, except to please God. The zenith of spiritual life which liberates the soul from all material entanglement.

Note, there are stages in between, but this is a concise summary without getting technical. Like I said before, if this picture of God being painted by these fundamentalists is accurate, then He is a cruel and hartless Person. If this is true then I would rather be extinguished along with the fallen one's than share 'heaven' (and no one here can even start to talk about what that is) with these hateful, aggressive, "my way is the only way" people.