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Netyaroze said:

No you totaly misunderstand what falsifiability means. I am consistent its not my fault if you dont get it. Falsifiability doesnt apply to god. It doesnt mean that god doesnt exist because he is not falsifiable IT JUST MEANS ITS NOT SCIENTIFIC. Not everything that cant be falsified is wrong. Evolution for example CANT be practically falsified but is still right.

Now you say: " You said if something is unfalsifiable its not scientific"

Yes I said that and in 99% of all cases its true but if lot of things back up your theory it will be sooner or later regarded mainstream.

But even when there is no sign that your theory is right and its unfalsifiable it still doesnt mean its wrong. But scientists cant work with it because there is nothing to work on.

Religion didnt invent god its the same as saying the first human who used fire invented fire. Besides even tens of thousends of years ago humans buried their dead instead of leting them lie were they died. So long before there was any religion people had some sense of afterlife and probably god. God is a fundamental question. Everywere where there is intelligent life there is the question how did it all start.

To the article i could pick other ones but the point was the survey not the article. Scientists are less inclined to believe in god that doesnt mean they cant because it would be unscientific.

Lets recap falsifiability doesnt determin if something is wrong or right. Meaning something unfalsifiable can still be right. What it does determin is if scientists can work with it or not. Unless the concept is backed up by things that indicate its correct (like fossils). Even without indication a theory could still be right.

Thus scientist never say: "God is not real from a scientific standpoint" Because it would be stupid to say that there is nothing to back that claim up. And there never will be. Thus Scientists are allowed to believe in god without discrediting science.

Hopefully this was clear enough this time. I am practically saying the same thing over and over again. Besides do you think I dont know what I am talking about ? Do you think I would bring this stuff up when I am not sure that I am right ?

I've understood what falsifiability is really well. You appearently have not. And you seem to be terribly inconsistent. You link this whole concept, and when you realzie you have not understood it, and it actually goes against what you were arguing, you try to discredit both it and me. Also, evolution CAN be falsified:

There goes your argument.

But even when there is no sign that your theory is right and its unfalsifiable it still doesnt mean its wrong.

Really now? This theory would be just baseless guessing, which obviously holds no scientific value.

Religion didnt invent god its the same as saying the first human who used fire invented fire.

Bad analogy, as it's obvious that fire exists in nature. There's no proof god exists outside of human imagination. A more proper analogy would be religion invented god the same way people invented computers.

Besides even tens of thousends of years ago humans buried their dead instead of leting them lie were they died. So long before there was any religion people had some sense of afterlife and probably god. God is a fundamental question. Everywere where there is intelligent life there is the question how did it all start.

Burying dead bodies doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the afterlife. People started (erroneously) believing in the ideea of an afterlife when they started practicing agriculture, and they practiced burials way before that. Also, I don't see how believing in the existence of an afterlife proves that such a thing exists, when it's obviously just wishful thinking, and the incapability to accept human mortality. And god isn't a question, it's a made-up answer to a question that humans can't answer. And, other than humans, what other intelligent life you've seen ask such questions? Do dolphins ask such questions? Have you ever met aliens?

To the article i could pick other ones but the point was the survey not the article. Scientists are less inclined to believe in god that doesnt mean they cant because it would be unscientific.

People can believe whatever they want. Scientists generally try to avoid believing in things they know are not true, unlike most people. They still are people though.

Lets recap falsifiability doesnt determin if something is wrong or right. Meaning something unfalsifiable can still be right. What it does determin is if scientists can work with it or not. Unless the concept is backed up by things that indicate its correct (like fossils). Even without indication a theory could still be right.

You're recaping your own misuderstanding of this concept? What good will that do?

Thus scientist never say: "God is not real from a scientific standpoint" Because it would be stupid to say that there is nothing to back that claim up. And there never will be. Thus Scientists are allowed to believe in god without discrediting science.

Actually, scientists do say that. Heck, even one of the christian scientists mentioned in the article you provided says that. And it's already been  that god is an unfalsifiable concept, meaning that it can't possibly be considered true, from a logical/scientific standpoint.

Hopefully this was clear enough this time. I am practically saying the same thing over and over again. Besides do you think I dont know what I am talking about ? Do you think I would bring this stuff up when I am not sure that I am right ?

What is quite clear is that  you have no ideea what you're talking about. Your posts essentially proved that.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
