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VXIII said:
Chrizum said:
VXIII said:
sapphi_snake said:
VXIII said:
oldschoolfool said:
VXIII said:
Believing is hard , it's a very deep and complicated idea , as if you can actually see God in everything around you, believing isn't some kind of choice you make.

Being atheist is like choosing the easy path, you are atheist because you can't really believe , that's how I see it

It's not choosing the easy path,it's called reality. I don't need to follow some religion are some pretend god to make myself feel better.

You don't need to follow anything to believe , I didn't mention any religions .

And what reality ? , it depends on how you choose to see reality , I can see many things around me that are too impressive and wonderful to exist without some kind of genius "mind" behind them.. DNA for example , it's like what happens in our lives.. it's impossible to achieve a great success or make a great thing by chance , you need to work hard to make it happen ... it's really simple to me .

It's actually not impossible at all. Is it probable? No. But possible? Definately. You also shouldn't view the world as an 'achievement' or a 'success'. No one created it, and for all we know, life can be a sort of cancer of the Universe.

We are not talking about a single thing that happened , we are talking about a precis and very complicated system , it is impossible for such a system to exist and last by a mere chance . The world exist therefor it's some kind of achievement that's how things works in our reality , never went home and found a new laptop by chance :p , anyway I think I made my thoughts clear and I'm not trying to convince anybody.

No one in his right mind would say the world as we know it was created by mere chance. It was created by logical cause-effect processes during billions of years.

True , but how did that logical processes happened ... by chance , such things need some kind of planing and acting behind them , that's what I'm saying :)


I'd also reply to Netyaroze if my english was helping, It's hard for me , I think I'm done here.

Why do these processes need planning and acting behind them?