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RolStoppable said:
JGarret said:
Rol, how likely is it these numbers for the 3DS are more or less right, in your opinion? the thread about U.S. sales, Ben said he thought VGChartz is vastly undertracking the system.

If these numbers are indeed more or less about an extremely surprising, negative outcome..what is it that could 'save' this system?...I not always agree with Malstrom, but I think he´s right about this one...abandon the whole GameCube esque approach.

It's pretty much guaranteed that the American numbers are far off. The EMEAA numbers are probably off as well, but to a lesser degree.

But anyway, whatever the actual numbers are, Nintendo has to drop their Gamecube direction. There's no way around this to ensure longterm success. What Nintendo currently does simply isn't what the market wants from a handheld (aside from a small subset). In just a few months time it has come to Nintendo selling hardware at a loss, a sure sign that something is wrong with this system. The Gamecube direction means less games (more development time) and less sales for these games. Nintendo is nuts for abandoning a successful business model.

Yeah, there´s absolutely no logic in what Nintendo has been doing, so the only explanation left is the one Malstrom says...they´re doing it because they want to, because of some sick 3D obsession...Miyamoto has way too much free will in the company, they let him do pretty much anything he wants, the guy has to be brought back to earth.