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jake_the_fake1 said:
snakenobi said:
oldschoolfool said:
there is no god,plain and simple. the only proof you need is to stand in the middle of the street,then pray for your so called mircale,when you wake up in the hospitial then,you will know ladies and getlemen. There's all these stupid fake religions,what is there a place in the so called heaven's were all of the fake gods meet at a roundtable. It kind of reminds me of that scene in god of war. People only use religion,because either there weak minded are they need something to make themselves feel better. I'll tell you one more time,THERE IS NO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thread,kind of reminds me of that south park episode called imagination land,because that's exactly what relgion is.

thats the problem that people misunderstand GOD

GOD is life giver not runner

and don't confuse religion with GOD,thats what fools most people.Religion is just a way of believing and way of living

In other words, the word 'God' is a simple reference to the universe, as in there is no sentiant being creating things, rather that the universe contains the elements(Atoms) for life and objects.


it is either the creator or itself


universe isn't made up of atoms,the same question amateur scientist ask that who made GOD

somebody had to make atoms,there we hit another dead point


just watch a few videos on conciousness,quantum physics and superstring theory(m theory) and u will figure everything out


the days of scientist believing that life is made up of matter are gone,scientist themselves had it tough to live knowing that so they went the other way the creation of life and sustainability where they found the answer