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Defense of the Ancients

It's high time a thead was made for this with the tournament/gameplay reveal so close and the trailer just released.  All the information following can be found on the homepage, the link above.


A History of DotA

If you're new to this DotA and want to find out more of its inception CtChocula from GosuGamers is compiling a decent history of the map and its competitive scene throughout the years.

Current DotA roster


15th August GamesCon Trailer:

Direct Link


On the 1st of August they updated the main website for the first time in a very long while, announcing an upcoming tournament as the first gameplay reveal. 


 The International


The Teams


Here is the DotA 2 GamesCon booth:

Total prize pool confirmed on the blog

1st place: $1,000,000 USD

2nd place: $250,000

3rd place: $150,000

4th place: $80,000

5th place: $35,000

6th place: $35,000

7th place: $25,000

8th place: $25,000

The International has concluded


Head to the homepage to see the rest of the results.


The NDA has been lifted!

"We've been a bit quiet lately.  As always, we learn a lot whenever we put something out and get feedback from you all.  Showing Dota 2 to the world at The International gave us a lot of feedback to chew through, and many recenty forum threads talking about the information leaking out of the beta has added to the pile.  After a bunch of thinking, we've decided to change our plans a little."

Visit the Dota 2 blog to read the full post, this is great news as we'll get to see them update and improve the game during the beta as the patches come.