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Netyaroze said:
"Which is why most scientists are agnostic. The reason why they're also mostly atheist is because if there is no proof of something the default position is to not believe in it. Basically do you believe that magical unicorns don't exist? For the same reason I believe deities don't exist."

Lol. I wouldnt even have responded to you if you hadnt wrote this:

"Somebody who believe it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of a deity"

Somebody who is agnostic dont believes god cant be disproven. THEY KNOW like everybody else should.

To the magical unicorn its not exactly the same. First you have to define what magical means ? If the Universe is infinite I KNOW there are unicorns for sure. To the magical it really comes down to how you define magical. If its against our physical laws then no. Not here in our universe another set of natural laws could make an unicorn with abilitys we would consider magical and in a multiverse there are definetly magical unicorns then. I dont believe in magical unicorns on earth. But god and a magical unicorn are two different things. An unicorn is bound by the set of rules in a universe god supposedly created the laws he is not bound by them. Maybe he is a concious energy bubble that emulates all possibilitys that can exist based on a certain set of rules.

Magical beeings (as in able to do things which are against natural laws) cant exist within a universe making it very unlikely for them to exist.)

But god isnt unlikely not even when you use occams razor. Why is a god like existance as source of all existance any more unlikely then the other explanations like infinite11 Dimensional room with branes endlessly colliding and creating infinite new universes ?In the end it ALWAYS comes down to infinite mass of energy the question is is it selfaware or not. God isnt unlikely no god isnt unlikely either it comes down to believe pure and simple. Atheists and Theists are equaly wrong/right both believes are equally justified.

You're totally missing the point of the argument. It is a consistent world view that unless positive proof is shown for something the default position should be disbelief, to anybody with this world view until there is evidence of a deity then the logical position is atheism.