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Healthcare is not, and cannot be, a right. A right is not something that is given to you. It is something that you are allowed given you have the means. IE, in America, I have the right to own a gun if I so choose. A gun is not given to me.

As for the benefits of public vs private healthcare, I dislike aspects of both. Privatized healthcare obviously has issues with inflated prices due to a for-profit mentality, but I believe that's more an issue with our current patent law, which enables a sole company to sell a drug for years, preventing competition.

Honestly, I think a public system could work better than a private system in a variety of ways, but I fear the inefficiency that may come with a public system (ever been to the DMV? >_>), and thus I worry about the costs associated with such a system. I don't want another Social Security-esque albatross hanging around the federal government's neck.

Ultimately, I want what's best for the most people, and I haven't seen clear evidence that one system is really better than the other. All I know is that our current system here in the US is incredibly broken, but that's not necessarily because it's privatized.