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pezus said:
snakenobi said:
pezus said:
snakenobi said:
snakenobi said:

3. republicans talk religion form it into propaganda to get the devoted religioous to follow there lead to win elections so they can continue to have power the blindfollow without question, just like religion.

republicans also believe in something

what do you think there is a person sitting on top and they have nothing to do,whatever a person does is for something

yea. there for something alright. greed, power, and money

money is just a commodity of measuring hardwork and service

power is a way of using it

greed only persists within the poor not the rich as they have worked for it


majority of the people rich have earned it and they know what it means and the value of money

people like celibrities who just turn rich in one day think of it as a cool thing and powerfull object abuse they were poor one day.they think of it as a sprint for enjoyment but not marathon to enjoy forever

I think you're generalising way too much now

my way of saying it would be wrong above but i'm not generalising that much

its just the way it works and its not generalization but human way