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Ail said:
Well I got Earth Defense force too.
Not sure when I will have time to play it though...

Well I started playing it.

Up to 35% of the trophies but like others have said it will be a heavy grind to get the plat and I don't think I have the time for that right now.

I have two weeks left before my vacations to France and I want to complete Two Worlds 2 before leaving and once I get back the heavy holyday release schedule will have started and Resistance 3 will be waiting for me in my mailbox. And from that point onwards it's basically a new game every 2-3 weeks( Batman, AC, Uncharted and Skyrim preordered and there's a few more titles on my watch list I will probably purchase) until mid december so it's going to be tough ..


Still I have set myself a goal of reaching 83% completion on all games before the end of the year so that will prevent me to try to many games at the same time...


PS : Mattbfg is a lazy bum that sits at 62.4% completion rate. Yeah I said it !!!!

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !