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"Coloureds running"

That's not funny. You should change it to "why did they only riot for 4 days..... they're not willing to do a full weeks work"

One thing that anyone outside London needs to take into account regarding the riots is that Londoners and the south in general are pussy crybabies. If it snows, they'll claim the sky is falling even though Scotland gets the same weather daily. A few puddles and the ice sheets are melting, their floods are not even remotely comparable to other parts of the country but because it's London we all have to pay attention.

A little bit of shoplifting down south and LONDON'S BURNING, send in the army, shoot the 12 year olds, starve them out of existence. Strange considering the viewing figures of The Wire (God Bless Omar).

The typical southerner will tell you an exaggerated version of all his problems and finish off with "but you can't complain" where as the rest of the country just doesn't complain.

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