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totalwar23 said:
DOATS1 said:
well, after ps3's failed lanuch, alot of people expected ps3 to either fall off by '08 or just about reach 6-7 million at this current point. it is completely possible that people could be wrong again. ps3 can still increase in sales. i dont think its fair to instantly assume that ps3 cannot compete anymore, because it is very possible and quite likely in my opinion, that it can.

 Perhaps, but everyone is pretty much going from the trends in the past. The Wii has pretty much double the PS3's sales and has an absolutely insane momentum right now. When in history has there ever been a role reversal people expect to happen between the PS3 and Wii? People expect all of the PS3's multimedia to help it surpass the Wii when the time comes but that's not happening, is it? Now, it's all about the games and which slew of offerings both consoles has to appeal to consumers.

you missed my point. i didnt say ps3 can surpass wii, because as you said, past trends are against that happening. my point was that ps3 can still compete. it may not have wii's momentum, but i think it will rise to a competitive level to the wii.