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5- Heavenly Sword(PS3) 4- Lair(PS3) 3- Uncharted Drakes Fortune(PS3) 2- Assasin's Creed(PS3) 1- Metroid Prime 3(Wii) I am afraid for the my Wii and hopefull for my PS3. I see alot of people intrestad in the Wii games are intrestead in only the Nintendo games. I bought my Wii for Zelda and Red Steel Loved Zelda but Red Steel was no good. I bought my PS3 for Resistance and MGS4(didn't list because i don't remember if it got pushed till 08') but all in all I was hoping for more with the Wii mote from 3rd party dev's. Also I have been plesently suprised at Sony's development for PS3 Home is a nice suprise. It seems that there is some anticipation for the PS3 still so with Sony and Nintendo all my bases should be covered :)