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I meant relatively rocksolid. So the Euro was in the past relatively solid but the prospect of the weaker Euro Countrys makes it weak because the US future seems brighter ? Europe has its problems but so does US I cant see why one currency should be more solid then the other. people overestimate the economical value of greece and portugal both countrys have an economy as big as a bank.

i need a reason why the outlook for the Euro is weaker then for the Dollar the Eurozone has equal problems to the US.

Sure there are the Piig states but we also have: France, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Luxemburg, Denmark , Finnland, Slovenia, Slovakia,Estland, Cyprus.

I just now read various Articles from the year 2008 to now and actually they say the opposite. The financial world HAS and still thinks (despite the PIIGS problems) the Euro will be the more stable currency. Greenspan said himself the Euro could take away the Dollars reserve Statues and very recently (22 July before the AAA ranking was lost) the world reserve of Euros increased another 0.3% and climbed to 26.3% totals world reserve value.

And a lot of states want rather the Euro then the Dollar as the reserve like China/Russia for example. Since the Euro the Dollar went down from 72% to 61% and the trend continues.

If it would be true that the future Dollar is considered more stable then the future Euro (which it isnt i looked it up just now) why has none of the AAA states in Europe been downranked ? The Dollar is up for harder times then the Euro (as it seems right now)

Both Currencys are as good as it gets to be qualified as a reserve currency (besides the Euro WAS more stable after the first years it doubled its value against the dollar in 12 years and since the most time its ranging constantly between 1.30 and 1.50 Dollar. Besides the stability of a currency is also reflected in its value. There were times at the beggining where you could get just 75 US Cents for one Euro currently you get 1,42. And the value of the Euro didnt increase that much against other currencys MEANING the DOLLAR WAS UNSTABLE NOT THE EURO.

Both currencys have their problems and both can become unstable. But I simply couldnt find evidence that the Dollar was, is, or will be more stable then the Euro.

If it really is and I dont understand what you are talking about please explain to me economy is not my specialty tbh.